
My name is Adam J. Blust, and I’ve been working on the web since there was a web. These days, I’ve been concentrating on WordPress, because it gives my clients a stable and easy-to-learn platform that they can maintain themselves going forward. That’s extremely important, because business and non-profit websites need tending and care to remain useful and relevant to their audiences. And the best people to keep that content flowing are the people who actually do the work.

The web isn’t about technology. There are a lot of people out there who could set up WordPress for you, pick out a template, and load some content into it. That’s not what I do. What I do is listen to you, and figure out what your needs are and how they can translate into an online presence. In addition to a visual designer and photographer, I’m also a writer – I spent years as a newspaper reporter before the web came along. What the web *is* about is communication: between you and me, and between your website and your audience. I help make that communication as clear and useful as possible.

Contact me to get the conversation started.